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rapd growth of the nation's urban centers

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Q: The immigration of the 19th century resulted in what?
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Primary motivation for the 19th century immigration was?

economic hardship

Why did US population increase in the 19th century?

Immigration from Europe and East Asia spurred the growth of population in the US in the 19th century. Also, in the antebellum days, the slave population also increased.

When did the US have a policy of free and open immigration?

most of the 19th century (1800s)

What was the only group specifically targeted by 19th century laws restricting immigration?

The Chinese

What is the dramatic industrial growth of the late 19th century?

Railroads were partly responsible for the dramatic industrial growth of the late 19th century. There was also a huge spike in immigration.

Which event resulted directly from the growth of railroads in the 19th century?

Answer this question… Which fact of life for African Americans in the 19th century limited the impact of the event described in the headline?

Which group was specifically targeted by 19th century laws restricting immigration?

The ChineseThe Chinese

How effective were 19Th century reform efforts to improve care for disabled?

by the end of the 19th century,reform efforts resulted in a constitutional amendment to allow women the right to vote

When did the polish come to america?

First larger group came in the end of 18th century, after the Kościuszko Uprising (1794). Two biggest immigration waves of the old immigration in the 19th century came after November Uprising (1830) and January Uprising (1863). The last wave of the old immigration came at the very end on 19th century due to increasing Prussian and Russian oppression. The new immigration took place in the second half of the 20th century, consisting mainly of people trying to escape the communist regime.

Ireland’s Great Famine of the mid-19th century resulted in?

(Apex) Millions of people fleeing Ireland for the Americas.

During the late 19th century the above sequence of events resulted in the?

Disfranchisement of most African Americans in the South.

Can you give me a sentence for immigration?

Immigration is establishing residence in a new country after leaving another location (which is emigration). Example : "Immigration to the United States included many Chinese during the late 19th century."