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Japan's Imperial Navy had defeated the Russian Battleship Fleet at Tsushima in May of 1905. Historically, this naval battle was significant in three ways: 1. It proved to Great Britain, that the new battleship design that they intended to approve for construction, was now valid, and the new "HMS Dreadnaught" was laid down in October 1905, just three months after "The Battle of Tsushima." HMS Dreadnaught launched a new arm's race, which would ultimately lead to WWI, less than ten years later. 2. It was an eye opener for the West. As it was the first time since Ghengis Khan, that an Eastern nation had defeated a Western nation in war. 3. The United States now had a "New Threat" in the Pacific, and now had to have TWO naval fleets to protect itself, instead of just the one fleet stationed on the east US coast. In 1907/1908 US President Teddy Roosevelt sent the US Navy's "Great White Fleet" around the world on a peace tour. Designed specically to show Japan that the US Navy was a powerful foe...just in case they had any ideas.

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Q: The historical factors between japan and America before the attack on pearl harbor?
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