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Q: The great depression lasted from approximately 1929 to 1939 according to the unemployment statistics of 1936?
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What was the unemployment percentage during the Great Depression according to class of society?

The unemployment rate was 25% during the Great Depression.

According to depression statistics which people are the most likely to get depressed?

According to depression statistics, people with a general pessimistic outlook on life are more likely to get depressed as well as people who come from families who have a history of depression.

What is the unemployment rate in South Dakota?

As of February 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate in South Dakota is 5.5% of the labor force.

What was the unemployment rate in the 1940's?

The unemployment rate in 1940 in USA was 14.6%, according to the attached link.

What was the unemployment rate in 2012 at the end of President Obama first term?

In January 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, America was slowly coming out of the great recession. Unemployment was at 8.3%. But a year later, in January 2013, the unemployment rate had fallen to 7.9 percent, and continued to decline; by January 2014, it was at 6.6%.

What was the population in Canada in 2010 according to Statistics Canada?

Statistics Canada is the official government census organization. According to their research, the population of Canada in 2010 was approximately 34.5 million people.

What is the percentage of unemployment in Nigeria?

Apparently statistics are hard to come by in Nigeria. According to the latest CIA Factbook (as of 12/7/10) in the Related Link below the unemployment rate was 4.9%. estimated in 2007!

What states pay highest unemployment compensation?

Massachusetts, followed by New Jersey, then Washington.

What is the current rate of unemployment in India?

As of October 2021, the unemployment rate in India is around 6.91%. This rate can vary month to month due to various economic factors and changes in the labor market. It's important to check with official sources for the most up-to-date information on unemployment rates in India.

How many hamsters are in Canada?

Well according to statistics, there are approximately 4.5 million cats in Canada.

What was unemployment when Jimmy Carter was president?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in January 1977 unemployment was 7.5 percent. In December 1981 the unemployment was 8.5 percent. In between it bottomed out at 5.6 percent in May 1979. After his presidency it continued the uptick to 10.8 percent in November and December of 1982.

What was the US unemployment rate 1944?

The US unemployment rate in 1944 was around 1.2%. This low rate was primarily due to the high demand for labor during World War II.