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China used movable wooden blocks for Chinese characters and printing hundreds of years before Gutenberg.

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Q: The first use of movable type was in which country?
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What country first made use of paper money?


Where can you fined what time countries where invaded by the Romans?

To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.To find what time countries were invaded by the Romans (or anyone else, for that matter) just use your browser. Type in the name of the country/history.

What country did the United Nations first authorize the use of military force?


What country was the first to use grenades in world war 1?

Germany used the Grenade first in WW1 So germany was the first county to use the grenade

What country was the first county to use chemical weapons in world war 1?


Related questions

What country was the first to use movable type?

China was the first country to use movable type in printing, during the Song Dynasty in the 11th century. It allowed for the mass production of printed materials.

When did Guttenberg invent movable type?

Gutenberg was the first European to use movable type printing, in around 1439, and the global inventor of the printing press

How can you use the word Gutenberg?

The Gutenberg bible was the first created using movable type.

What did Johannes Gutenberg discover?

He was the first European to use movable type printing and the inventor of the printing press

Who was responsible for printing the Bible using the printing press?

Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type, which started the Printing Revolution. He was the first to use movable type for printing, and printed the first Gutenberg Bible. See the related link for more information.

The first use of movable type was in?

The first use of movable type was in China during the Song Dynasty, attributed to Bi Sheng in the 11th century. It allowed for the printing of individual characters on separate pieces, which could be rearranged to form different texts. This innovation revolutionized printing and contributed to the spread of knowledge and literacy.

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What did Gutenberg use to make books quickly and cheaply?

movable type

What invention in 1456 made newspaper production much easier?

Johannes Gutenberg's invention. He was the first in the West to print using movable type. He introduced typecasting using a matrix, and was the first to use a press.

German person created something you use today?

Johann Gutenberg created printing by movable type.

What is the use of protruding and easily movable anthers?

protruding and easily movable anthers help in wind pollination.

What did Gutenberg invent?

Johann Gutenberg developed the printing press, reducing the cost of printing books and thus allowing ordinary people to have access to previously expensive books.