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Wyoming was the 1st state

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Wyoming.. . . . :D

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Q: The first state to allow woman the right to vote was?
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The first state the grant woman right to vote?


Who was the first woman to become state governor and take office in Wyoming?

Nellie Tayloe Ross was the first woman governor of Wyoming, and the first woman governor of any US state. She served from January 5, 1925 to January 3, 1927.

What provision does the Nineteenth Amendment allow for?

Woman's right to vote.

Who was the first African American woman to serve as the secretary of state?

Condoleezza Rice was the first African American woman to be Secretary of State.

What country was the first country to allow woman to vote?

new zealand

Did woman compete in the first modern olympic games?

Women were not allow to compete at the first Olympic in 1896.

What was the first woman to become a state Governor?

The first female governor was Joan Finney, from 1991 to 1995. She was the first female candidate in the US to defeat an incumbent male governor in a state general election.

Who was the First Woman Chief Minister of State?

indira gandhi

What state elected the first woman who entered congress?


Who was the first woman to serve as secretary of state?

Madeline albright

Who is the first woman governor of a state in India?

sarojini naidu

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