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Q: The first major victory for the colonist an turning point in the revolutionary war?
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Where did the American colonist win their first battle in the revolutionary war?

concord,massachusetts haha

What was the significance of the Battle of Dorchester Heights?

It was the first victory by Washington in the Revolutionary War.

What was the first patriot victory of the revolutionary war?

ASARA and findland gay red cheese

Where did general washington score his first victory?

General Washington scored his first victory at Trenton. He, along with the Continental army, beat the Hessians during the Revolutionary War.

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It gave the communists their first battlefield victory.

Which battle was the first major Americans victory in the war?

If your question is related to the Revolutionary War the answer is: the Battle of Saratoga.

Where was the first battle of the revolutionary war was the battle of?

The first battles of the Revolutionary War were the Battles of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. The battles took place on April 19, 1775 and resulted in a victory for the Colonies.

Why is Gettysburg considered a turning point in the Civil War?

Because it was the unions first major victory.

Why was the American victory in the revolutionary war significant?

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Why was the American victory at the battle battle of Saratoga significant?

France decided to help the Americans

The first battle in the Revolutionary War?

the first shots fired in the revolutionary war was at the Boston massacare. where british troops opened fire on a group of colonist protesting british rule. it is known as the shot heard around the world. occurred in1770. first battles were lexington and concord.

When and where was the first real battle of the Revolutionary War fought?

The first battles of the Revolutionary War were the Battles of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. The battles took place on April 19, 1775 and resulted in a victory for the Colonies.