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Q: The first frankish leader to convert to Christianity?
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What Germanic tribe became known as chief defender of the western church?

The Franks. The Frankish leader at the time, Clovis, was convinced by his wife, Clotilda, to convert to Christianity. By becoming the first of the Barbarian tribes to accept Christianity, Clovis led the Franks to defend the Christian Church in the West.

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Princess Olga of Kiev was the first Russian leader to convert to Christianity. She was baptized in Constantinople into the Orthodox Church and is considered an equal to the Apostles.

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Aethelbert, King of Kent, was the first English King to convert to Christianity. In 597, the Roman Catholic Church approached Aethelbert. The church chose him because he was married to Bertha, a Frankish Christian princess, whose support was essential.

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What impact did Charlemagne have on Frankish kingdoms?

He impacted the Frankish kingdom because, first of all, he was crowned the Emperor of Rome and included the Frankish kingdom in his empire. He then spread all of the beliefs previously found in the Frankish kingdom into all the other provinces in his control so that the Frankish kingdom was the main source of laws and beliefs. Some of these beliefs contained of Christianity, Wergild, and Ordeal. Lastly, He gave the Frankish kingdom most of its land and power.

What impact did Charlemagne have on the Frankish kingdom?

He impacted the Frankish kingdom because, first of all, he was crowned the Emperor of Rome and included the Frankish kingdom in his empire. He then spread all of the beliefs previously found in the Frankish kingdom into all the other provinces in his control so that the Frankish kingdom was the main source of laws and beliefs. Some of these beliefs contained of Christianity, Wergild, and Ordeal. Lastly, He gave the Frankish kingdom most of its land and power.

Who was the first Roman emporer to convert to Christianity?


What was the first emperor to convert to Christianity?

Constantine the Great .

When did Russians convert to Christianity?

At the end of the first Millennium - AD 988.

Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to do what?

Constantine was the first Roman emperor to convert over to Christianity?

Which frank leader became a Christian?

As far as we know, the first King of the Franks to convert to Christianity was Clovis I who converted at the request of his wife who was already Christian. He is supposed to have been baptized on Christmas Day, 496.

Charlemagne believed in what?

Charlemagne was a Roman Catholic Christian. His ancestor Clovis the Frank was the first frankish ruler to convert to Catholic Christianity which steered the course of his nation and their descendants to be a catholic nation. Charlemagne himself was also very religious and allied with the Catholic Church to create the Holy Roman Empire