The federal government is considered a bureaucracy because it is administrated by officials in petty offices overseen by a president.
Primarily because that is the form of government the 'founding fathers' chose.
Because it does AND IT ISInterest groups are considered to be a type of linkage institution because they serve as a link between the government and the people
It was considered the first civil war because it was a group of Americans fighting the Federal government.
The Meiji Restoration was considered a revolution because their change from the Tokugawa Shogunate to imperial government; it was a really socail, political, and economic revolution.
The Articles of Confederation two successes were that the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain. Because of doing this, they gained independence. By the end of the Confederation era, Congress created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government that we see today.
Yes, because the CSA had its own government as well as having to reaccept the government of the USA.
the growth of bureaucracy has expanded the role of the government in citizens lives
The implementation of the Paperwork Reduction Act affect the presidential control of the executive bureaucracy because of it's process. The Paperwork Reduction Act assessed the impact on government bureaucracy for the businesses and citizens. Every thing was recorded.
Primarily because that is the form of government the 'founding fathers' chose.
It influences it because the public is an influence to the bureaucracy. You're welcome.
Because they combine legislative, executive, and judicial functions.
Bureaucracy is associated with red tape because there are many set procedures to follow. There is very little leeway when it comes to bureaucracy.
Primarily because that is the form of government the 'founding fathers' chose.
Independent agencies- called "independent" because they are not part of the Cabinet. Three types: * Executive agencies * Government corporations * Regulatory commissions
No Because it is not a body of an nation
Serbia is considered more of a Republic government because they follow a religion
The Aztecs were considered an advanced civilization, because they had language and government.