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January 2 - Boabdil, the last Moorish King of Granada, surrenders his city to the army of Ferdinand and Isabella after a lengthy siege. Christopher Columbus is in Alhambra and sees the Moorish king comes out of the city gates and kiss the hands of Spanish king, queen and prince.

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Q: The fall of this Moslem state in 1492 allowed King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to turn their attentions to Columbus and exploration?
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Who sponsored Columbus exploration in 1492?

King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella I of Castile

Nation ruled in 1492 by Ferdinand and Isabella?

The nation that was ruled by Ferdinand and Isabella was Spain. They authorized the exploration that was to be done by Christopher Columbus, and brought knowledge of the Americas to Europe.

Who gave Christopher Columbus the ships and money to pay for his exploration to the america's?

Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.

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Ferdinand became involved in exploration through his marriage to Isabella of Castile, which united the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile in Spain. Together, Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored the voyages of Christopher Columbus, which led to the exploration and colonization of the Americas. Ferdinand played a key role in supporting these expeditions and expanding Spanish influence through exploration.

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The sponsors of Columbus are Ferdinand II and Isabella I.

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Queen Isabella and king Ferdinand.

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Columbus's voyages were funded by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain.

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Columbus was sponsored by King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I of Spain to undertake his explorations.

What were the names of the queen and king who sponsored Columbus' trip?

It was king Ferdinand and Queen Isabella :)

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Ferdinand was the king that sponsored him.

Who was one of the spanish rulers who financed columbus' voyage?

King Ferdinand of Spain agreed to finance Columbus. In return for financing the voyage's of Columbus, the King wanted all of the gold, spices, and riches that he might find.