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Textiles NOT STEEL

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Q: The factory system first affected the production of?
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Why was the textile industry the first industry to be affected by the Industrial Revolution?

Becase that was the main indstry before the factory system

Where was the first production line invented?

It was in Henry Fords model T factory

The production of what was one of the first industries to be affected by the industrial revolution?

cotton cloth

What country developed the first factory system?


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What industry was the first factory system used?

The first factories of the Industrial Revolution made clothing and items out of cloth. This industry lent itself well to mass production techniques.

What was The first industry to be shaped by the new factory system of manufacturing?


First chemical fertilizer factory in India?

The first chemical fertilizer factory in India was the Sindri Fertilizer Factory, which started production in 1952. It was established in Sindri, present-day Jharkhand, with the aim of boosting agricultural productivity in the country.

What is production era?

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What is product era?

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Where was the first factory?

arkwrights mill Ashbourne Derbyshire England

How do you perform a factory reboot?

There are 2 ways: System Restore & System Recovery. Maybe your definition of a factory reboot is when you first purchased the computer, if this is the case, a System Recovery is a factory reboot because it comes with all the original software. Any added software and files WILL be erased.