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Q: The development of a 365-day calendar shows that some early American civilizations understood which concept?
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The development of a 365-day calendar sHow is that some early American civilizations understood which concept?


The development of a 365 day calendar shows that some early American civilizations understood which concept?

astronomyNoVa nEt: astronomy

What did Early civilizations used the solar portion of the 52 year calendar for?

Early civilizations used the solar portion of the 52 year calendar for planning their farming seasons. One of the earliest civilizations to use the 52 year calendar was the Mexican civilization.

What did early civilizations in Mexico use the solar portion of the 52-year calendar?

Early civilizations used the solar portion of the 52 year calendar for planning farming seasons.

What was remarkable about the Maya’s development of their calendar?

During the course of the month, the accuracy of the calendar has helped the Maya with planting and harvesting. These sacred harvesting cycles represent the purpose of the ceremony. This purpose relates to the creation and destruction of the world, and having a stable relationship with the gods.

Who discovered the first calendar?

The first known calendar is believed to have been created by the ancient Sumerians around 4000 BCE. It was a lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon. This system later influenced the development of other calendars used by various civilizations.

When was the lunar calendar started?

Many civilizations have used the lunar calendar, and still do, it is impossible to to say who used it first. It is likely individuals, not entire civilizations, first used the moon as a means of counting the days and tracking the seasons.

When was the apple first found?

Adam and Eve didn't have a calendar. The calendar was invented much later in several cultures such as the Mayan and Chinese civilizations.

When was the development of accurate calendar?

The development of the accurate calender was in 450 B.C.

What did Mexico use the 52-year calendar for?

Early civilizations used the solar portion of the 52 year calendar for planning farming seasons.

What was the source for Aztec calendars?

mainly the sun, like many old civilizations. As is our own, the Aztec calendar was a 365 calendar but was crossed with a separate 250 day calendar, and included a 52 year century.

In Latin America the Maya and the Aztec civilizations were similar that they?

developed complex mathematical and calendar systems