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early custom and tradition of filipinos?

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Q: The customs and tradition of early Filipinos?
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Related questions

What customs of early Filipinos have been discontinued?

filipino practices/customs of the have been discontinued

What are the origins of the tradition of Filipinos about siesta?

The tradition of an early to mid-afternoon nap originated in Spain. This tradition was passed on to the people of the Phillipines, after the Spanish conquest of their island chain in the 1500s.

Compare the customs and tradition early Filipinos with those practices in present?

Early Filipinos were a traditional Polynesian culture. Their culture included unique Polynesian arts, dance, and foods. They also followed a shamanistic religion. Modern Filipino culture has been heavily influenced by Western and Asian cultures. Many ancient practices still survive, such as the game of luksong tinic, but they are played among modern European and Asian games.

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these are their customs

Civilization of early Filipinos?

The early Filipinos lived in barangays, which were small, self-sustaining communities led by a datu (chief). They were skilled in agriculture, fishing, weaving, and metalwork. They also had a rich oral tradition, with folklore and epics passed down through generations.

What are Filipino early customs?

filipino early customs

What is the meaning of salubong?

salubong is tradition of many filipinos in the phillippines

What are some Indian customs and traditions?

the customs and tradition ere not found in this website.

What are examples of Filipino customs and traditions?

The Filipinos have folk dances,fiesta, and bayanihan.

What are customs and beliefs that Chinese and Arabs brought to the Filipinos?

Customs and beliefs brought by the Chinese to the Filipinos 1. Use of jars for burials of bones of the dead 2. Arranged marriage 3. Respect for elders 4. Wearing of white for mourning 5. Use of fireworks during celebrations Customs and beliefs brought by the Arabs to the Filipinos 1. the use of calendar 2. "singkil" dance

Who are the early Filipinos that came into Philippines?

the pygmies...

How the early Filipinos bury their dead?
