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painful and crippling

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Ila Harris

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They did this because tiny feet were considered very sexy by Chinese men of the time.

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Q: The chinese bound the feet newborn baby girls to?
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How can I ensure successful breastfeeding and proper latch techniques for my newborn?

To ensure successful breastfeeding and proper latch techniques for your newborn, you can follow these steps: Position your baby correctly: Hold your baby close to your body with their head and body in a straight line. Support your baby's head and neck: Make sure your baby's nose is level with your nipple. Wait for your baby to open their mouth wide: This indicates they are ready to latch. Bring your baby to your breast: Aim your nipple towards the roof of their mouth. Ensure a deep latch: Your baby's mouth should cover a large portion of your areola. Listen for swallowing: You should hear a rhythmic sucking and swallowing pattern. By following these steps and seeking help from a lactation consultant if needed, you can ensure successful breastfeeding and proper latch techniques for your newborn.

Do Jewish girls get circumsised?

No. Jewish girls do not get circumcised, however, baby girls may be honored at birth with a relatively new custom called a Brit Bat, done mainly in non-Orthodox branches of Judaism.

Giant Chinese basketball player zheng haixia was better known in the west as baby.?

poo wee boobie

What do Chinese children eat?

they drink milk ..when baby but when they like 4-5 years old they eat porridge ..

Why did the Chinese bind the feet of newborn baby girls?

AnswerEvery girl, at a young age, would have to have their feet broken horizontally across the center of the foot, the metatarsals, and then the phalanges broken and tucked under the foot, then bound really tight. Eventually, the feet heal into the position they were bound, but walking is limited and very painful forever after that; hence the quick tip-toe trot of Chinese women.The binding was a form of male domination over women. To keep women tucked safely, and daintily, away. It was sick, and it ended in 1911.-- Yep. There were actually many reasons for this, to add to the above person's inputFirst off, obviously a husband doesn't want a wife to run away, so even if a husband or godmother treated a girl badly by either hitting her or verbally abusing her (or both), she couldn't run away because of her feet. It's awfully difficult to walk with feet like that, let alone run.In addition, having a wife with bound feet was like a status symbol for men back in the day. Having a wife with bound feet meant that you could afford to have a wife who doesn't need to work or labor; she can just sit there and look pretty.Lastly, I don't know exactly how this came up to be accepted in Chinese culture back then, but there was a huge foot fetish back then. Men ogled over feet in those times like current day men ogle over busty girls on magazines. They thought of bound feet to be extremely sexy, and there was even a big book listing over 100 ways to "play" with bound feet.But to answer your question exactly, because of all the above reasons, women had to have their feet bound because very few men would accept wives without bound feet. It was a necessity, otherwise women couldn't get married, and back then, marriage was all a woman considered was good for.

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The Chinese bound the feet of newborn baby girls to?

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One can find clothing for newborn baby girls at lots of different stores. Walmart has a great selection and has fair prices. If you would rather shop online Amazon is a great place to look.

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Well, I gave a gift to my friend's newborn baby, she loves a gift a lot. She told me that you have a gan excellent idea for newborn baby gifts. So, let me share ideas with you about what to gift a newborn baby. Here's a List of Best Gifts Ideas For Newborn Baby:- Baby Wrapper Sleeping Bags Soft Toys ComfortableOutfit Baby Care-Kit Pillow for neck support Baby Photo Banner Smiley Hooded blanket Baby Bather If you go with these ideas, then you will get great compliments from those whom you have gifted.

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you but it up for sale or put it up for adoption

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