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become more dependent on banks and railroads

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Q: The changes in American agriculture during the late 1800s led farmers to?
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How did Southern farmers satisfy their basic needs during the 18th century?

market-oriented agriculture

Why did many farmers leave the Great Plains during the 1930s?

Many farmers left the great plain because the dust bowl caused droughts and that was really bad for agriculture or farming

What condition did not influence the development of American agriculture during the first half of the nineteenth century?

A widespread of interest in conserving soil and natural resources did NOT influence the development of American agriculture during the first half of the 19th century.

What method of agriculture did Europeans use?

European agriculture varied greatly from that of Western societies. During medieval times European farmers used the technique of open-field planting to produce crops.

Four states of agricultral and industries?

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Who were some of the important farmers?

Many of the Farmers had been leaders during the American Revolution. About three-fourths had served in Congress. Most were leaders in their state

How does Pennsylvania make money?

Farmers got their money by planting crops during the growing season and waiting until they grow and then they sell them or trade for cash. The farmers dought to cross a river to get too the town.

What accounted for the change in American attitude during the 1970?

what accounted for the changes in American attitudes are in the 1970

How did environmental changes in the great plains lead to changes in America?

Environmental changes in the Great Plains, such as droughts and dust storms during the Dust Bowl, devastated agriculture and forced many farmers to migrate to other regions in search of work. This led to significant social and economic changes in America, including shifts in population patterns and the development of government programs to address environmental conservation and support affected communities.

The plight of American farmers during the depression was magnified by?

a. devastating droughts and dust storms throughout the 1930s.

Who served as a soldier in the continental army during the American revolution?

90% were farmers serving in the colonial army.

What did the American farmers During the Roaring Twenties do?

Farm. Many new farm machines were developed in this time.