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The Bayeux Tapestry was designed and made to celebrate and record The Battle of Hastings in October 1066.

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Q: The bayeux tapestry was designed and made to celebrate and record what?
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What does the Bayeux tapestry tell us that other evidence may not?

The Bayeux Tapestry is the only record of the events at the Battle of Hastings so nobody really knows exactly what happened except for the version of the tapestry.

Why is the bateaux tapestry not useful to historians?

It is from a Norman perspective ( which means it is biased) seamstresses were not at the battle and were told what happened (the info passed on could be false) ----------- That is an extremely uninsightful, and incorrect, answer. The Bayeaux tapestry is immensely useful to historians. First and most important, it shows us the Norman perspective of the battle, which has historical value in it sown right. Second, it contains subtle commentary by the embroiderers (who many historians believe were Saxon) in a series of tiny figures worked into the borders of the tapestry, ranging from mythological to satirical. They give us insight into the mindset of the people working on the piece. Lastly, the manner in which the tapestry has been interpreted down through the centuries offers insight into the values and historical perspective of each time period involved. There have been whole books written about that one aspect of the work. To say that the piece has "no historical value" because the events it depicts may reflect the writer's (embroiderer's) cultural perspective is extremely simplistic, and presupposes that the historical record is normally accurate and pure. Josephus did not personally witness every event he recorded in ancient Rome, yet we consider his writings an important part of the historical record. even though we recognize his cultural bias. While the Bayeaux Tapestry is not a primary source, it is a valuable secondary source that offers historians a wealth of information on the world the Conquest took place in, as well as the event itself.

What was the mayflower originally designed to carry?

The Mayflower was not specifically designed for a certain kind of cargo, nor were any other sailing ships of the period. She was a general freighter, and is on record as having carried herrings and wine on several voyages. But no doubt she carried other cargo as well before taking the Pilgrims on board: she had been in service for at least 10 years when that voyage was made.

What does record mean in computer technology?

record means something you keep record of such as 'i am keeping record of your home work

What came after the record player?

it was a Gramophone record player that is a smaller version of a record player

Related questions

What does the Bayeux tapestry tell us that other evidence may not?

The Bayeux Tapestry is the only record of the events at the Battle of Hastings so nobody really knows exactly what happened except for the version of the tapestry.

Was the Bayeux Tapestry Saxon or Norman?

The Bayeux Tapestry is preserved and displayed in Bayeux, in Normandy, France. Nothing is known for certain about the tapestry's origins. The first written record of the Bayeux Tapestry is in 1476 when it was recorded in the cathedral treasury at Bayeux as "a very long and narrow hanging on which are embroidered figures and inscriptions comprising a representation of the conquest of England". The Bayeux Tapestry was probably commissioned in the 1070s by Bishop Odo of Bayeux, half-brother of William the Conqueror. It is over 70 metres long and although it is called a tapestry it is in fact an embroidery, stitched not woven in woollen yarns on linen. Some historians argue that it was embroidered in Kent, England. The original tapestry is on display at Bayeux in Normandy, France. So it seems the jury's out on that one.

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desinned?do you mean Designed?

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