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Germany's primary goal (plan) was fighting Russia (Soviet Union). As one German Staff Officer remarked, after Hitler declared war on the US, "...what we needed was a stronger ally, not a stronger enemy." Germany did not want to fight the US; they had been down that road before (WWI). Germany took pains to avoid conflict with the US. Odds are great, that if Japan never attacked the US, neither would have Germany. Without such an attack(s), the US would not declare wars on either Japan nor Germany. The ONLY reason Germany honored it's "Tripartite Pact" with Japan, was because Germany was heavily engaged with the Soviets on the "Russian Front" in 1941, and very much wanted the Japanese to open a SECOND FRONT on the Russians (Soviets) EASTERN Flank. This would relieve the pressure on the German Armies fighting in Russia's Western Front. Japan had already fought Russia twice, once in 1904-1905, and again in 1939; and were not inclined to do so a third time.

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Q: The US should have declared war on Germany in 1940 and not waited until after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
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The United States declared war on Germany.This answer is now correct.