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Benito Juárez.

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Q: The US gained control of Texas after armed conflict with whose forces?
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The United States gained control of the Texas Territory from France.

Who gained control in Mexcio in 1829 and began to exercise tighter control over Texas?

General Santa Anna Señor came to power in Mexico in 1834 and made the promise to tighten control over Texas.

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What result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was?

Texas gained much of the land controlled by Mexico. Texas became an independent republic. the United States got control of the Mexican Cession. the United States gave control of California to Mexico.

Three southern states that were cut off after the north gained control of the Mississippi River?

Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas.

What was Texas known as after it gained independence from Mexico?

texas republic

What was the effect of the events in the Texas Revolution?

Texas gained Independence.

What was the significance of the year 1836 in the Texas revolution?

It was the year Texas gained it"s independence from Mexico

What was the Texas republic?

Texas was a republic after Texas gained it's Independence from Mexico in 1836, after the revolution, San Jacinto, The Alamo, Goliad, etc. The Republic of Texas gained annexation to the United States in 1845.

Was the American territory of Texas gained through warfare?

Texas fought for Independence from Mexico and gained it in the Treaties of Velasco. The US then annexed Texas which resulted in the Mexican American War.

How and why were the territories of Texas and Oregon gained by the US?

Texas and Oregon were gained after the American Mexican war when Mexico ceded those territories ,and more, to the U.S.

How and why the territories of Texas of Oregon were gained by the US?

Texas and Oregon were gained after the American Mexican war when Mexico ceded those territories ,and more, to the U.S.