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Attacking Manila Bay with the US Asiatic Fleet.

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Q: The US began the Spanish American War by?
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The US fought in the Spanish-American War?

Yes the U.S. fought in the Spanish-American war. They began by helping the Cubans who wanted independence.

The Spanish-American War began as a result of?

The US support of Cuban Independence.

Why did the Spanish American war Began?

The US blamed Spain for the sinking of the USS Maine.

What happened when America won the Spanish American War?

Cuba was granted independence, Guam and Puerto Rico became US Territories and the Philippine American War began.

The US fought the Spanish in what war?

The Spanish American War.

Who captured the Philippines when the war began?

That depends on which war you are interested in.When the Spanish-American War began, the US captured the Philippines from the Spanish.When World War 2 began for the US in 1941 (it had already been going since at least 1939 for other nations), the Japanese Empire captured the Philippines from the US.

What caused the spanish war?

The Spanish-American War was due to explosion of the US warship, the USS Maine that was docked in Havana, Cuba. Over 200 US sailors lost their lives. The US press and others blamed Spain for this act of war. Based on the destruction of the USS Maine, the Spanish-American War began as the US declared war on Spain.

What war did the US fight in 1898?

Spanish-American War, lasted about 6 months, in 1898.

How did the US acquire Alaska during the Spanish American War?

Alaska was a US Territory long before the Spanish American War.

When does us defeat spain in spanish american war?

The US defeated Spain in the Spanish American War on August 12, 1898.

Where did the Spanish-American War begin?

It began with the US Naval attack on the Spanish Fleet in Manila Bay in the Philippine Islands on 1 May 1898 at 05:41 AM.

What does the US Civil War and Spanish-American War have in common?

There were Civil War vetrans who also served in the Spanish American War.