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Protect it's own interests

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Q: The Soviet Union wanted to rebuild after the war in ways that would?
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Why did the soviet union not want America to help rebuild Europe?

The Soviets believed that it belonged to them, so they would do what they wanted.

After the terrible destrution caused by the war the soviet union was determined to rebuild in ways that would?

Protect its own interests

What were Stalin's personal beliefs?

he wanted the soviet union to be a powerful country and believed he would be the leader to make it powerful

When the Soviet Union collapsed how did industry change?

industry was able to produce goods that people wanted and would buy based on supply and demand.The Soviet Union did collapse in 1989 and the industry did change because of the bad attitudes.

Why was there war between Soviet Union and Finland?

The Soviet Union wanted to secure bases in Finland so they would be able to defend their own country in case of a Nazi invasion. Also, Finland was a known supporter of the Axis powers.

How did soviet leaders most likely feel about the improvment in relations between the US and china?

They worried it would work against the interest of the Soviet Union.

How did Soviet Union get fruits and vegetables during communism?

The Soviet Union was state capitalist, not Communist (which would mean it had no rulers and no money).

What were the 3 reasons why Hitler invaded Poland?

Strategically Hitler wanted Soviet Union/Russia as German colony, provider of food and raw materials as well as "living space" for German people, while considering Russian people inferior to Germans. He also wanted defeat Soviet Union as stronghold of communism, since Nazi ideology was violently anticommunist. Tactically in 1940 Hitler was annoyed by Soviet Union ambitions in Europe, and he fought that defeat of Soviet Union would convince Great Britain's to start peace talks. Arguing that Great Britain doesn't surrender because it's trying to play Soviet Union against Germany, he decided to destroy Soviet Union, but was defeated by Russian resistance.

Why did the soviet union want to bring communism to Greece and turkey?

The Soviet Union wanted to spread communism to Greece and Turkey in order to expand its sphere of influence and establish communist regimes in key strategic locations. This would have allowed the Soviet Union to have greater control over the region and potentially create a buffer against Western capitalist influences.

How was this a challenge to the Soviet Union?

by building more weapons than the soviet union the united states would be more powerful

At Yalta Roosevelt and Churchill with Stalin over his refusal to allow elections in?

At Yalta, Roosevelt and Churchill clashed with Stalin over his refusal to allow elections in ?answer:Poland.After the war, the Soviet Union quickly took control of ? . answer:several Eastern European countries. The Soviet Union wanted to rebuild after the war in ways that would?answer: protect its own interests.For nearly 50 years, the Cold War was characterized by ? answer: political conflict and military tensions.As World War II ended, a major disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union involved ? answer:Soviet domination of Poland. i just took it and got 100%

Why did George F Kennan believed that containment was the best response to Soviet expansion?

believed that the Soviet Union would not risk war to expand communism