for Shiaizing the Iranian people from Sunnism, Zoroastrianism, Christianism and other religions.
The Persian empire was known for its artisans who produced rugs and pottery.
According to, Isfahan was the capital
Under which Muslim empire were people most likely to experience cultural and religious toleration? A. Mughal Empire B. Ottoman Empire C. Safavid Empire
The Safavid Empire declined so quickly after the death of Shah Abbas I. Shahs that followed were never as disciplined as Abbas.
The Persian empire was known for its artisans who produced rugs and pottery.
The slave elite in the Safavid Empire were known as the Qizilbash. They were Turkic tribal warriors who played a significant role in the military and political affairs of the empire.
The Safavid (not Salavid) Empire was ruled by the Safavid dynasty.
Isfahan was the capital city of the Safavid Empire. The Safavid Empire was considered Persia. IF you need more info, look up the "Safavid Empire"
There were Sufis in the Safavid Empire, but they were often persecuted and marginalized.
Yes, they did control the Safavid Empire.
According to, Isfahan was the capital
Yes her father is Lebanese and From Safavid. And Safavid is Azerbaijanian empire.
Sunni Muslims within the Safavid Empire were forced to become Shia Muslims.
The Safavid Empire is primarily made of SHIITE MUSLIMS, because that was the official religion of the empire. Numerous Persian Sunni Muslims were forcibly converted to Shiite Islam under Safavid rule.
first shah Abbas was the leader of the safavid empire during its golden age.
The Ottoman Empire was controlled by Sunni Muslims, while the Safavid Empire was ruled by Shia Muslims.