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the Constitution

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Q: The Patriots called together the first institution designed to speak for all the colonies. What was it called?
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What is a co-correctional institution?

A co-correctional institution is a facility where both male and female inmates are housed together in the same facility. These facilities are designed to provide gender-inclusive programming and services for the incarcerated population.

What year did the patriots go together?


How did political religious and social institutions emerge in the English colonies?

In the English colonies, the Church became the most significant social institution. It tied together most of the colonists based on faith, and many, if not all, of the social interaction in the early colonies stemmed from this connection. The political institution arose from English common law, which was often combined with religious law as well. Initially religion in the colonies was defined by which church congregation a person belonged to. However, the Great Awakening changed the way religion was viewed in the colonies from denomination to a person's personal commitment to God.

Why do you that the colonies united together together under the Albany plan?

to strengthen the colonies against the French

How did the great awakening bring the colonies together?

it brought the colonies together by opening new ideas about religion

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Some eukaryotic or prokaryotes live and function together in groups or colonies?

Some eukaryotic or prokaryotes live and function together in colonies.

Name an example of of a eukaryotic that lives together in colonies?

The Cyanobacteria do live in water and are often found living together in clumps known as colonies.

What polyps live together in colonies?

The most famous polyp colonies are called, "Coral".

Why does the snake in Join or die have 8 pieces not 13?

Franklin designed the flag to convince the colonies they needed to stick together and 8 weren't really excited about doing that. He listed these colonies on the snake segments. The flag was a political statement and was meant to add peer pressure to the hold out colonies.

How did the northern colonies develop?

By getting together

What 4 colonies set up the middle colonies?

The four colonies grouped together as the Middle Colonies were Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.