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The northwest ordiance said that any area with the population of at least 60 000 could apply for the admission as a state, with all rights of an existing states.

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Q: The Northwest Ordinance said that any area with a population of at least 60000 could be?
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The Northwest Ordinance said that any area with a population of at least 60000 could .?

become a state

The northwest ordinance said that any area with population of at least 60000 could?

become a state

What act states that any territory with 60000 settlers could petition congress for statehood?

The Northwest Ordinance.

According to the northwest Ordinance of 1787 how could the territory become a state?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 said that territories could become a state once they had reached a population of 60,000 people. The first state created from this ordinance was Ohio, in 1803.

How did the northwest ordinance?

It provided for the surveying of the Northwest Territory, north and west of the Ohio River as far as the Great Lakes and the Misissippi River. This established that it would eventually become states of the United States. With the ascent of the South (which wanted to avoid agricultural competition), slavery was prohibited in the states formed from the Northwest Territory. This became important with the acquisition, 16 years later, of the lands of the Louisiana Purchase.

When the population of a territory reached 60000 the territory could apply to become a what?

When the population of a territory reached 60,000, the legislation could then submit a state constitution to Congress. Once this had been approved, the new state could enter the union. This was outlined in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and made it clear that the new states would be on equal footing with the older ones.

What set the standard for how territories could form state governments and apply for statehood?

the northwest ordinance

Under the northwest ordinance of 1787a territory could apply to become a state when it had what?

A population of 60,000, free settlers to become a state.

According the northwest ordinance when might the people of a territory petition for statehood?

When the population of a territory reached 60,000 the people could petition for statehood.

What ordinance was passed under the Articles of Confederation that described how territories could become states?

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

What established a means and precedence by which the US could expand westward?

The Northwest Ordinance

What were the conditions under which territories could become new states?

The Northwest Ordinance