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Q: The Millenium Declaration was signed by leaders of 150 countries at a summit in 2000. What did this document do?
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Who wrote declarationof independence?

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. It is said that much of the content was borrowed from the Constitution of Virginia. The declaration was a dangerous document for the colonial leaders to sign inasmuch it was treason against the British Crown and punishable by death.

When did colonial leaders issue the declaration of independence?

samone is cool

What is the decloraion of independence?

When the United States of America was first becoming an independent country, it had been part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Several political leaders of America created a document known as the Declaration of Independence. This document stated (declared) that America has been treated badly by the rulers of their parent country, and that they were leaving, and becoming their own nation.

What was the Decleration of Sentiments and Resolutions based on?

Yes , The Declaration of Sentiments was based on the constitution. it was written by women's rights leaders and followed the same format as the declaration. But it was changed to show how women were treated unfairly , instead of originally showing how Britain was treating America unfairly. It also changed the line " We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal" to "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal". So yes the document was based of the constitution and was an important document in the fight for women's rights.

What kind of ideas influenced colonial leaders to justify independence?

the declaration of independence

Related questions

Who did congress send the Declaration of Independence to?

The Declaration of Independence was signed by colonialist leaders and was sent to Britain. Britain tried to trivialize the document merely as the work of disgruntled colonists, going so far as to send propagandists to point out flaws in the document.

What was the document drafted by colonial leaders announcing your intention to break away from England?

Announcing = declaring. Breaking away = independence.........Declaration of Independence.

Who wrote declarationof independence?

The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. It is said that much of the content was borrowed from the Constitution of Virginia. The declaration was a dangerous document for the colonial leaders to sign inasmuch it was treason against the British Crown and punishable by death.

What group of leaders wanted Thomas Jefferson to dedclare war on great Britain?

Jefferson only wrote the Declaration of Independence for Congress. It was the 55 men of congress who signed their names to the document that declared war.

What is assisi declaration?

The Assisi Declaration is a document signed in Italy in 2020 by various religious leaders committing to work together to combat climate change and promote sustainable development. It emphasizes the importance of protecting the environment and caring for the planet as a shared responsibility among different faith traditions.

When did colonial leaders issue the declaration of independence?

samone is cool

What document talked about ancient Hebrew leaders?

Many of the leaders are mentioned in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). See also:Timeline and leaders

What is plural form of The country's leader?

The plural form for one country, many leaders is 'The country's leaders...'; the plural for many countries is 'The countries' leaders...

How did the Declaration of Independence show the feelings of Patriot leaders?

it inspired people to sign it.

How did the declaration of independence show the feelings of the patriot leaders?

it inspired people to sign it.

Which countries haven't had female leaders?

Too many to list. You would be better off asking which countries have had female leaders.

Many leaders of the French Revolution were inspired by this American document?

The Constitution