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James Knox Polk.

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Q: The Mexican American War ended under who's administration?
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What president ended the draft?

The draft ended under Nixon's administration.

When did the Vietnam war occur?

1960 (:1955 under the Eisenhower administration and ended in 1975 under the Ford administration.

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The Mexican war ended under what President?

James Knox Polk.

What role did hatchcock play in the Mexican American war?

The Mexican Spy Company was formed under the guidance of Ethan Allen Hitchcock during the Mexican-American war.

What important city in Mexico did United States troops capture in the Mexican American war?

In 1847, US troops under the leadership of General Winfield Scott captured Mexico City. This effectively ended the Mexican War. It was the first time an American flag had flown over the capital of a foreign nation.

Who fired the first shot in the Mexican American war?

The first shots in the Mexican American War were fired by troops under the command of General Pedro de Ampudia.

America's involvement in the Vietnam War ended under the administration of President?

Vietnam was not a war it was an action.

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How many American casualties occurred in Vietnam during Harry S Trumans administration?

There were no American deaths in Vietnam during the administration of Harry Truman. The first deaths occurred in 1959 under Eisenhower.

What western expansion took place during James Polks presidency?

The future states of California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona became a part of the US under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which ended the Mexican American War.

When did search and destroy policy ended?

Search and Destroy operations began transitioning into Search and Clear campaigns under Nixon's administration in 1970.