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Q: The Jewish people called their new home Israel but to the Muslims the area was part of what?
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In the 20th century the Jewish people called their national israel the Muslims called the region?


Are people in Israel Jewish?

75% of the population of Israel is Jewish.

Do the Jewish people have a country?

If they do, it would be Israel, set up after WW II to give the Jews their ancestral homeland.yes its called israel

What is the significance of Palestine to judaism and Hebrew people?

"Palestine" is the name the Romans gave to Israel after they expelled the Jews in 70 CE. Israel was and still is the Jewish homeland.The Romans chose the name "Palestine" after an enemy of the Jewish people, called the Philistines.

What country is the homeland for people of jewish faith?

The homeland of Jewish Faith is Israel.

Why do the converted Jewish people proclaim the land of israel?

Converted Jewish people do not do any special "proclaiming" of the land of Israel.

What country uses shekel?

Israel, the Jewish people.

Which country was created in 1948 as a home for Jewish people?


Why is Israel called the Jewish republic of Asia?

Answer 1The term describing the state of Israel as the Jewish Republic of Asia is inaccurate. The state of Israel as we know it today is also not a republic. The form of its government is called a parliamentary democracy.Answer 2The term "Jewish Republic of Asia" is not a commonly used term to describe Israel. Contrary to the view of Answer 1, a parliamentary democracy is a type of representative republic, making the moniker, "Jewish Republic of Asia" factually correct even though it is rarely used (It is a republic that is founded for the Jewish people on the continent of Asia). More often, people describe Israel as the "Jewish State".

What is Jewish people holyland?


What religious group was the country of Israel created for in order to provide a homeland?

Israel was created for the Jews.The country of Israel was created for the Jewish people.

What are 20 percent of Israel's people?

16% of Israel's people are Arab. 82% are Jewish.