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Making land available for white miners and farmers

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Q: The Indian Removal Act 1830 relocated thousands of Cherokees from Georgia to Indian Territory for the purpose of?
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The Indian removal act relocated thousands of Cherokees from Georgia to Indian territory for the purpose of?

to make land available for white miners and farmers

The forced relocation of Cherokees from Georgia to Oklahoma resulted in the deaths of thousands on the?

Trail of Tears

Why were the cherkees moved?

I assume you are referring to the Cherokees, who were a tribe of what were then called "Indians." Sadly, as the United States grew and expanded, a number of Americans believed that they had a right to the land inhabited by the Indians, and many tribes were forcibly moved, often relocated to reservations under brutal conditions. In 1838, residents of Georgia decided they wanted the land the Cherokees occupied. In the event known today as the "Trail of Tears," the Georgia Cherokees were driven from their land and forced to march nearly 1000 miles to their new home in Oklahoma. It was a very arduous journey, and many of the Cherokees died along the way.

What happened when Winfield Scott led the Cherokees from Georgia?

its really easy

Why did president monroe call for the Indian removal of Cherokees from Georgia?


Where do Cherokees live?

Cherokees are usual residents of Georgia,Virginia,Kentucky,Tennessee,and North & South Carolina. Most Cherokees were forced to move to Oklahoma in the 1800's along the "Trail of Tears."

Where did the Cherokees relocate to?

most of them went to okaloma some went to Georgia too.

In 1785 Georgia's capital was relocated to what city?


Were the Cherokees Indians involved in any wars or battles?

The Cherokees were victims of European settlers. In the early part of the 19th century they were forced from Georgia to the Oklahoma Territory. Perhaps the most significant war they fought was with other Native Tribes at the US Civil War Battle of Pea Ridge. They sided with the Confederates.

Georgia group that lost their homes despite a supreme court ruling in their favor?


Why did white people want the Cherokees to move out of Georgia?

Gold was discovered on cherokee land.

How far the Cherokees have to travel to get to what is now Oklahoma?

They walked from Georgia to Oklahoma which is about 1500 miles.