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Q: The Greek democracy and the Roman republic both emerged about the same time. How did they differ?
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Why did the ancient Greek city-state Athens have a direct democracy while the Romans had a republic?

Republic and democracy are two different things. A Republic can be a democracy, just as a constitutional monarchy today can be a democracy. Democracy existed in the Roman Republic, as it had three different assemblies of the citizens (Centuriate, Tribal, Plebeian). Athens went through phases - monarchy, oligarchy, limited democracy, radical democracy.

How do greek and roman civilization differ from other early European civilization in how they governed?

The Romans and Greeks were both civilize all the other nations were barbaric losers except for the Egyptians. The Ancient Romans were first a republic and they were the first nation to be a republic. Athens (a Greek city state) was a democracy. Sparta (a other Greek city state) was a monarchy.

Which political practice in greek democracy did the roman republic permit?

None. Apart from a few people, the Romans were never interested in the Greek concept of democracy. It was alien to their tradition and to the ancestral customs which were very important to them. The conservative elites this concept would have been subversive.

How did ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans influence our American system of government?

The Greeks invented the idea of democracy. However, their concept of democracy was different. Nowadays we have indirect democracy, which means that the people elect representatives of the people and it is them who vote on bills. The Greek had direct democracy, which means that it was the people themselves, gathered in the assembly of the people, who voted on bills. Demorcacy means power by the people in Greek. Both the Greeks and the Romans had the concept of citizenship and the idea that citizens had rights. During the Roman Republic and in the Greek democracies, this included the right to vote. It has to be noted that not all Greek states had democracies and in that other states (such as kingdoms, oligarchies and tyrannies) there was no voting. During the period of rule by emperors which followed the Roman Republic the people no longer voted and there was absolute rule by emperors. During the Roman Republic there was also the power of veto. The idea for American veto system came from the Romans.

What different of forms government evolved in ancient Greek?

In ancient Greece they practiced a true Democracy. That is when every citizen is part of the government. The US has a Democracy mixed with a Republic and that's why we elect officials no make all the rules.

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Democracy is started in Greek, Athen Democracy is started in Greek, Athen

Why did the ancient Greek city-state Athens have a direct democracy while the Romans had a republic?

Republic and democracy are two different things. A Republic can be a democracy, just as a constitutional monarchy today can be a democracy. Democracy existed in the Roman Republic, as it had three different assemblies of the citizens (Centuriate, Tribal, Plebeian). Athens went through phases - monarchy, oligarchy, limited democracy, radical democracy.

How do greek and roman civilization differ from other early European civilization in how they governed?

The Romans and Greeks were both civilize all the other nations were barbaric losers except for the Egyptians. The Ancient Romans were first a republic and they were the first nation to be a republic. Athens (a Greek city state) was a democracy. Sparta (a other Greek city state) was a monarchy.

What was political practice in Greek democracy did the Roman Republic also permit?

They also permitted homosexuals.

How did greek and roman versions of democracy differ?

Both Greek and Roman democracies were based on citizen participation in governance, but there were key differences. Greek democracy in Athens was direct, with citizens voting directly on laws and policies, while Roman democracy was more representative, with elected officials making decisions on behalf of the people. Additionally, Greek democracy was limited to free male citizens, while Roman democracy eventually extended to include more diverse groups.

How did the greek democracy differ from roman democracy?

The Roman Empire ruled a variety of peoples over a vast area of North Africa, Europe and the Middle East. The Greek democracies governed their own individual independent city-state.

Who strengthened greek democracy?

Pericles strengthened the greek democracy

Which political practice in greek democracy did the roman republic permit?

None. Apart from a few people, the Romans were never interested in the Greek concept of democracy. It was alien to their tradition and to the ancestral customs which were very important to them. The conservative elites this concept would have been subversive.

Which of these statements best compares the Roman Republic with ancient Greece's direct democracy?

Answer this question…Voters elected representatives in the Roman Republic. In the Greek direct democracy, voters themselves enacted laws and policies.

How did the greek and roman verions of democracy differ?

Novanet--> All male Greek citizens participated in the government.

How did ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans influence our American system of government?

The Greeks invented the idea of democracy. However, their concept of democracy was different. Nowadays we have indirect democracy, which means that the people elect representatives of the people and it is them who vote on bills. The Greek had direct democracy, which means that it was the people themselves, gathered in the assembly of the people, who voted on bills. Demorcacy means power by the people in Greek. Both the Greeks and the Romans had the concept of citizenship and the idea that citizens had rights. During the Roman Republic and in the Greek democracies, this included the right to vote. It has to be noted that not all Greek states had democracies and in that other states (such as kingdoms, oligarchies and tyrannies) there was no voting. During the period of rule by emperors which followed the Roman Republic the people no longer voted and there was absolute rule by emperors. During the Roman Republic there was also the power of veto. The idea for American veto system came from the Romans.

What is the adjective of democracy?

It comes from the Ancient Greek words demos (people) and kratos (power) and means power of the people or people is agovernment.