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In the aftermath of the Battle of Jutland (1916) there was some confusion over who had actually won the battle. The German fleet returned to it's home base first and promptly claimed victory on the basis that they had inflicted far heavier losses on the British fleet than they had taken. The British on the other hand were much less bombastic and instead focused on the strategic picture. This was that the Royal Navy had engaged the German fleet in an inconclusive battle but that critically the Royal Navy was still intact and still on control of the North Sea and that the German Navy was still bottled up within.

This phrase is a reference to this fact. The German Navy engaged the Royal Navy (the jailer) but it did not defeat the Royal Navy and it was still contained within the North Sea (still in jail).

It is significant that it comes from an American newspaper as this provides a moderately neutral view of the outcome of the battle. Such a statement from a British newspaper would suffer from accusations of bias. Whilst an American newspaper has less of these accusations as at this time the United States remains neutral in the First World War.

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Q: The German fleet has assaulted its gaoler but is still in gaol Explain what this means. Why is it significant that the assessment is from an American Newspaper?
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