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Q: The Egyptians were able to farm and live what?
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How many ancient Egypt people farm today?

There are no "Ancient Egyptians" today; only "Modern Egyptians". As a result, the question as posed is unanswerable. Currently, 29% of Modern Egyptians or roughly 24 million Egyptians, farm.

Where do poor Egyptians live?

in hut that's were poor Egyptians live but rich Egyptians live in a Kingdom.

Why do Egyptians farm?

they farm because they dont have any food to eat and they need crops.

Did the ancient Egyptians migrate annually?

To where in the world would they migrate? They had a warm climate, water and the soil (such as it was) to farm. Joseph was able to manage their resources so they would be able to survive floods and famine.

Where does nearly all Egyptians live?

Egyptians live in Egypt because egyptians have the word egypt.

Why were some egyptians able to become artists?

Because of surplus, not everyone had to farm. Some people began to specialize in other works such as pottery making, architecture, etc.

How did egyptians farm their land?

they used the nile to water it when it floods.

Where can you buy farm animals?

Farm animals live on the farm or ranch, obviously. That is why they are called "farm animals." If they were to live anywhere else besides a farm, then they wouldn't be considered "farm animals." Pigs live in a sty or pen, chickens live in a coop, horses live in a stable.

Where do farm pigs live?

they live on a farm

What type of hut did the rich Egyptians live in?

The rich Egyptians live in big pyramids

Where do Egyptians live?

EgyptThe Egyptians lived in Egypt.

Does Miley Cyrus live on a farm?

no she does not live on a farm