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Q: The Arab-Israeli conflict intensified in the mid-1900s with the rise of the?
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What does conflics mean?

The spelling is conflict. A conflict is an argument between pro and con, or a disagreement of opinion. Some conflicts can rise to violence. Conflicts is the plural of conflict. The conflict between the girls intensified to verbal threats. My mother always said, don't get involved in other people's conflicts. Fighting within a country can be called a conflict, before it escalates to civil war.

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The conflict theory explains capitalism, and how capitalism will eventually be demolished by the rise of the working class (causing tension/conflict)

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The part of a short story that explains the motives, conflict, and characters before the action starts to rise is called the rising action.

What did the conflict over Alexander Hamilton's financial program lead to?

The rise of political parties

Has conflict increased?

Conflict worldwide has ebbed and flowed over the years; there are periods of escalation and de-escalation. Currently, some regions are experiencing an increase in conflict while others are seeing reductions. Factors like political instability, economic disparities, and ethnic tensions can contribute to the rise of conflict.

How was Augustus Caesar's rise to power similar to Julius Caesar?

Both gained their leadership roles through internal conflict.

What gave rise to increase on corporate governance in recent years?

ethical coduct-honesty in transaction,avoiding conflict of interest

What gave rise to increasing attention on corporate governance in recent years?

ethical coduct-honesty in transaction,avoiding conflict of interest

How are the individual and society in conflict?

A society is a large group of people that all share common interests. In a society, an individual does not exist. If an individual does exist, then they are no longer a part of the society. If someone is individualistic from others, their beliefs and ideals will differ from one person to the next. If everyone has different ideals, then contradictions are drawn from a society. Contradiction gives rise to confilct, and conflict gives rise to violence.

Ancient rome before the rise of juilus ceasr used what type of practical government?

Before and after the rise and fall of Gaius Julius Caesar as Dictator, the Romans used a republican form of government, although prior to Caesar's rise to power it was a theoretically democratic republic, whilst afterwards, there was constant conflict over who should gain control, as Caesar had.

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The sequel to "Underworld: Evolution" is "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans," which serves as a prequel to the first two films in the franchise. It delves into the origin story of the centuries-long conflict between vampires and werewolves, focusing on the character Lucian, the first Lycan.