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The four sites in the ARPA network were in UCLA, Stanford Research Institute's Augmentation Research Center, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah's Computer Science Department. The four sites in the ARPA network were in UCLA, Stanford Research Institute's Augmentation Research Center, UC Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah's Computer Science Department.

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Q: The ARPA network which eventally became the Internet linked four sites Where were they?
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Was the Internet used in 1965?

The Internet as we now know it did not exist in 1965. However, the foundations of the Internet were being designed and used about that time. It started out as a government program known as ARPANET and was created by ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency, which later became DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Read more about this at the site linked to the right -->

What is hypermedia database?

Hypermedia DB is an approach to data management that organized data as a network of nodes linked in any pattern the user specifies.

What is a computer network and why it is useful?

A computer network - is two or more computers linked together. It's useful - because computers can communicate 'live' with each other. Additionally - If computers are networked, you only need one printer. All the computers on the network 'share' the printer between them.

Was ARPANET the first to use the Internet?

ARPANet was the forerunner to the modern internet. After World War II the American Government set up the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). One of their tasks was that they had to design a communications system that would not collapse if part of it was knocked out by a bomb. ARPANet was the result of this, in about 1969. In the following decades more networks were set up and linked together. Common standards between all these systems were agreed upon and in 1989, the internet came into being.

What 4 us citys where linked together when the first computer was made?

no cities were linked together by computers when the first computer was made. the first computers could not be linked by any means.practically every city in the world were linked together by telegraph lines and phone lines when the first computer was made.the first 4 nodes of the ARPANET (if thats what you were really asking about) were in:los angeles, CA; UCLAmenlo park, CA; SRIsanta barbara, CA; UCSBsalt lake city, UT; BYUhowever the ARPANET was preceded by about two decades by the SAGE network that linked together computers on military bases in 26 cities across the US and canada. there do not appear to be clear records at this time of all 26 sites or the order in which they became active, this is probably due to the classified nature of parts of the SAGE program.

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the internet is a network of computers that are linked by telecommunications network?

Is the network which connects Internet related connected devices.

Is the Internet is an example of a network?

Yes, the Internet-net is an example of a network because it is a community which is linked together

What is a PC network?

Short answer: a network is a group of computers linked by wires or wirelessly. A network can be small like a home network or very large like the internet.

Is The Internet is a network of host computers that are linked?

It is an online link. A host of connected computers is an intranet.

When did digital photography change the world?

When it was linked to the Internet and when it became an affordable consumer product

What is the largest system of linked computers in the world?

The largest system of linked computers in the world is the Internet. It is a global network that connects millions of devices and facilitates communication and information sharing on a massive scale.

What is a worldwide group of connected computer networks?

The internet (capitalized) is the global network of linked computer networks. Uncapitalized "internet" is usually some limited group of linked computer networks under the control of a single entity - and THE Internet is certainly not under the complete control of much of anyone!

Is the web the largest computer network?

The right answer is that the World Wide Web is not a computer network, but a bunch of web pages linked together on a computer network call the Internet. So the answer is NO.

Is The Internet is a network of computers all linked together?

The Internet is a network of web pages on servers that computers can connect to if they have the address of the web page. Computers CAN connect to each other using an internet connection, but that is NOT the main use of the internet.

Worldwide collection of computer network?

The Internet uses a worldwide connection of networks. Computers use the global system of networks that are linked through wireless, electronic, and optical networking.

What is global network of linked computer networks.?

The internet, it is one large network that uses diffrent connection mediums to connect all computers across the world. Wheter they are in their own private network or not.

How did they invent the Internet?

What became the Internet started as ARPANET in the late 1960s. It was a consortium of military, education, and industrial organizations that linked together to pass information.