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Q: Term for a colonist of European descent who was born in the Americas?
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"Creoles" would be the appropriate term to reflect the Spanish caste system, specifically referring to individuals of European descent born in the Americas.

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A paleface is pejorative term for a white person or a person of European descent.

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MESTIZOS are people of mixed European and Indigenous descent in Latin America.

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Criollo are people born in Spanish American colonies of European descent. The term was used in the colonial era.

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The term mestizo refers to a person of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry. The parent of Spanish descent may have been born in Spain or in the Americas.

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"Pre-Columbian" is a term used to describe the time period in the Americas before the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492. It refers to the civilizations and cultures that existed in the Americas prior to European contact.

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"Oibo" is an Igbo term used to refer to a person of Caucasian or European descent. It is an informal term and can be considered either neutral or derogatory depending on the context in which it is used.

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The term used to describe Spaniards born in Latin America was "criollos." These individuals were of European descent but born in the American colonies.

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