

Best Answer
  • World War I ended on November 11, 1938 at 11:11 a.m. (11/11 11:11)
  • As of the 2002 census, there were 26,400,000 veterans in the United States, a ratio of 1 veteran per 8 civilians age 18 or older.
  • From 2003 to 2006, there were 15 U.S. Military personnel killed on Veterans Day in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.
  • "God Bless America", was first sung on November 11th, 1938, by singer Kate Smith. The original version of this song had been written in 1918 by Irving Berlin
  • Each Veterans Day, it is custom for the President to place a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown


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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago
Awnser:Verterns day is celebrated on November 11th. On that day, you should take time to thank all Verterns. A Vertern is someone who served in the army. There is 24.9 MILLION people who are verterans in the U.S. We should honor them because they keep us safe and free. Who would know where we would be without them. & 80,000 verterans and more are buried each year. :] that is really true
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Veteran's Day was originally known as "Armistice Day" . It is still known as "Remembrance Day" in Britain and the Commonwealth. This is the day when we remember those who gave their lives so that we may have freeedom. It was on the 11th day of November that an Armistice ended WWI.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The army men have risked there live for us and they also made a promise that they would protect us fom war

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βˆ™ 10y ago

what are 10 interesting facts about veterans day

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Why do veterans take the day off to celebrate Veterans Day?

Some do and some dont, It depends where they are, if they were out fighting they would probaly have to continue, but I know there are veterans who go to interviews, schools, and etc. to show and talk with people to tell them what its like and stuff about them. So basically it all depends

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no, Mexico does not. but we do have some celebrations similar to veterans day you can do some research and find some

Do cities have Veterans Day as a National Holiday?

Yes, Some do and Some Don't. Some Schools don't have school on veterans day and some do.

What do other country call Veterans Day?

Armistice Day, Remembrance Day are some.

What is better Veterans Day or Memorial Day?

Veterans Day

Why did they establish Veterans Day?

Veterans Day is a day set aside to honor All veterans. The honor is the way they honored and even some died do to war. We honor them not just to get a day off from work or school, it is for the people that cared about their country.

What are some things kids can do for Veterans Day?

Go to a Veteran's Day Parade.

Why did they start Veterans Day?

They started veterans day to remember all the soldiers who faught for us and some who died, It is a day to remember and give thanks to every soldiers.

What is the importance veterans day?

what is the importance veterans day

What was the Veterans Day called before Veterans Day?

Armistice Day .

What day is Veterans Day 2010?

Veterans Day 2010 is a Thursday.

What day was Veterans Day in 1955?

Veterans Day 1955 was a Friday.