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black power.

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Q: Stokely Carmichael called on african americans to support what?
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Why was stokely carmichael important?

Ok i got this, Carmichael gave a speech (not sure what the speech is called) and during that speech he stated the term of "black power". Which refers to the movement in support of civil rights and political means for African Americans. This is one but you can use google also or bing (i prefer google). If worse comes to worse ask a American History teacher. :))) Hope i helped!

Why was stokely important?

Ok i got this, Carmichael gave a speech (not sure what the speech is called) and during that speech he stated the term of "black power". Which refers to the movement in support of civil rights and political means for African Americans. This is one but you can use Google also or bing (i prefer google). If worse comes to worse ask a American History teacher. :))) Hope i helped!

Who the African Americans support and why?

I'm not American, but I am sure that African Americans support many different people and ideals. To assume that they all support the same thing is totally ridiculous and immature .

What politial party did African Americans support until 1936?

I think the African Americans were for the democratic party.......but I'm not sure.

Presdident Grants support of the enforcement acts showed that he wanted to do what?

protect the rights of african americans - APEX

Who did the African Americans support during American revolution?


Why did African Americans support Marcus garvey?

Getting away from discrimination in America.

Which of the following measures did Radical Republicans support?

The Radical Republicans supported the measure to ensure voting rights for African Americans.

Who did most native Americans and African Americans support in the Revolutionary War?

British who promised back ancestrial land and freedom

Did African Americans support World War 1?

Because they wanted to fight for their country

Why did the African Americans support the new deal?

Be more specific. Are you talking about the freeman's guild?

Why did many Southern Democrats split from the party?

They didn't support freedom for enslaved African Americans