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Its two thirds of the value of the nations export.

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Q: Southern cotton represented what percent of the value of the nation's export in 1860?
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Are 100 percent percale cotton sheets pure cotton?

Percale is a treatment for cotton. Your phrase 100 percent indicates the composition of cotton is 100 percent.

The Southern Economy Rested On What?

the southern economy's counted on Cotton and Slaves . just Cotton and Slaves

The invention that transformed the southern cotton economy was?

c. the cotton gin Slavery was an invention too. It also transformed the southern cotton industry

How many cotton factories are present in Pakistan?

Pakistan produces a large amount of Cotton which suffices the local industry needs. Cotton is cultivated in southern Punjab and in Sindh. Recent flood and heavy rainfall has badly damaged the cotton crops of Sindh.

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What is the Difference between 100 percent cotton and 100 percent combed cotton?

Combed cotton is softer and finer than ordinary cotton. Impurities in combed cotton were brushed out after the initial spinning.

What was the major export of the southern states?

Cotton. Befor the Civil War, the Southern States were the world's biggest cotton exporters.

What impact did cotton have on the history of America?

Cotton plantations in the Southern States brought wealth and prosperity to America. Great Britain was one of the biggest customers for Southern cotton.

What was the principal cash crop of the southern states?

Cotton it is not cotton cool

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Does 55 percent cotton and 45 percent acrylic clothes shrink?

No. Acrylic and cotton blend should not shrink.

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