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Is on a pilgrimage.

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Q: Someone who travels to a holy place for religious reasons?
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What do you call a person that travels to a new place searching for religious freedom?

A person who travels to a new place in search of religious freedom is often referred to as a religious refugee or pilgrim. They may also be described as a seeker of religious sanctuary.

What is pligrimage?

A pilgrim is a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.

What does 'pilgrim' mean?

It means one who travels to a shrine (place of worship) or other sacred place out of religious motives.

Is pilgrim a noun?

Yes, "pilgrim" is a noun. It refers to a person who travels to a sacred place for religious or spiritual reasons.

Pilgrim is what?

A pilgrim is a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.

What is someone who travels to visit a special holy place?

A person who travelled to a holy place was a pilgrim.

How did religious practices at the kaaba change over the years?

It became place for Muslim pligrims, or people who travel for religious reasons

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You may be asking what a Vagabond. A vagabond is an itinerant person - someone who travels from place to place with no real purpose.

Who is excursionist?

An EXCURSIONIST is someone who travels not less than 24 hours in a certain place.

Who is an Excursionist?

An EXCURSIONIST is someone who travels not less than 24 hours in a certain place.

What is the definition of pilgrim?

The official definition of the word pilgrim is "a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons."

What to do if someone is annoying you?

Apologize and then stop giving them reasons to be annoyed at you in the first place.