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Q: Some of the first people to settle in a new area awnser?
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The first known people to settle in America were the Vikings. The settled in an area they called "Vinland" (Newfoundland) at around 1000 A.D. Some evidence suggests that there were also different groups of Africans.

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ok first if you dont nio the awnser dont awnser it> b cause some people are doing a projest and get their hopes up when they see an awnser and they find out its stupid and they get pissed off like i did

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Yes for some peopleno for some people

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Some awnser

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i woundent thaught that some body would ask that question cause the awnser is easy. the awnser is kechup

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i was not invented long ago some people say but some say it was a long long time ago so there is no real awnser

What people in brittan eat for breakfast?

They eat mostly frogs legs and mabe some scottish hagis with pig brains and a cows butt this is not a faulse awnser They eat mostly frogs legs and mabe some scottish hagis with pig brains and a cows butt this is not a faulse awnser They eat mostly frogs legs and mabe some scottish hagis with pig brains and a cows butt this is not a faulse awnser They eat mostly frogs legs and mabe some scottish hagis with pig brains and a cows butt this is not a faulse awnser

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forr some people it does but not all

What are some examples of the word meter?

the awnser is length and distance

What type of reproduction does a fish go through?

asexual and sexual some fish reproduce sexual and asexual. well that's me awnser peace people

Why did colonists settle in Virginia?

The reason the colonists chose to found a settlement in Virginia was because of the land and its resources. The first settlement in Virginia was the Jamestown settlement.

What are some products of the Midwest?

The awnser is corn and wheat. =) HOPE THAT HELPS!