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Q: Some historians believe the missed an opprotunity to abolish savery in the United States why didn't they?
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What kind of sentence can you use the word abolish?

The united states would like to abolish slavery.

How do you use abolish in a simple sentence?

Abolish means to do away with. An example of a simple sentence would be: The Union states wanted to abolish slavery while the Confederate states favored slavery, thus, starting The Civil War.

How many states began to abolish slavery after the Revolution?

There are five of the Northern states had policies that started to gradually abolish slavery. Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Why was the 13th Amendment pass?

It was passed to abolish (get rid of) slavery.

When did the Northern States abolish slavery?

Northern States abolished slavery between 1777 & 1804.

When did the norhtern states abolish slavery?

Northern States abolished slavery between 1777 & 1804.

What happened when Southern States refused to abolish slavery?

Civil War

Before they could join the union southern states had to?

... abolish slavery.

Why do some historians believe that the US was not founded on Godly principles?

AnswerIt is the role of historians to study the past and report what they believe happened, how it happened and why - without fear or favor. Some historians have noted that the Founding Fathers expressed no interest in establishing a state religion or in incorporating religious principles in the constitutiion. In fact, they see that the constitution of the United States actually forbids state participation in religion.

What country in the America was the first to adopt slavery and one of the last to abolish it?

The United States was the first country in the Americas to use slavery. The United States was also one of the last countries to abolish slavery.

What three states could have also landed in North America?

Historians believe that people from Asia, China, and Polynesia may have also landed in North America.

What did Radical Republicans believe the South should do before states could be readmitted?

Give free slaves the right to vote immediately