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The same reason the millennium bridge broke- feet landing at the same time will cause the bridge to sway one way and then when the other foot comes down the weight is transfered so the pressure causes the bridge to sway the other way eventually causing a disaster (only works with some types of bridges so don't get your hopes up) -I think p.s I'm only in yr 7 at school so I'm not entirely sure

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Q: Soldiers are not allowed to pass in synchronized march over a bridge because?
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What bad luck did Harold have in the battle of hastings 1066?

Harold was quick to take decisions. he made many mistakes and lead him to bad luck. one of them were to wait for a while instead of just assuming!And just to top of all the bad luck in mid battle Williams archers started firing up penertrating Harolds wall ain't that just dandy.

Why was it vital that Pegasus Bridge was captured?

Pegasus bridge was on the left of the allied invasion and so its capture prevented the Germans counterattacking into the allied flank. it also allowed troops advancing from the bridge to reach and relive the paras attacking the mereville batteries.

Why do soldiers break their steps while passing over a bridge?

In theory, a number of people marching in step can set up vibrations that will cause a bridge to collapse. It may only be an urban legend, but our DI said it was true, so we always "broke step" when crossing the bridge from Recruit Island to the main base. On 12th April 1831 about 70 men from the 60th Rifle Corps, had been carrying out exercises on Kersal Moor and were returning to their barracks by the way of a suspension bridge across the River Irwell in Lower Broughton. As they crossed the bridge it began to vibrate with their step and as the vibrations increased with more soldiers on the bridge, the suspension chains snapped and the bridge collapsed, throwing the men into the water. As it was, the river level was quite low and there were no major injuries and no lives were lost. It was never clear whether the accident was a result of the vibration caused by the marching men or inferior engineering, however, since then the order has been given to break step whenever the military cross a bridge.

Why would steel be used to make a bridge?

because steel is strong:)

Why did Harald Hardrada invade at Stamford Bridge?

because he did you noobs XD

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How may cars cross the Iron bridge?

None because cars are not allowed to pass on it anymore

Why arn't solgers and bands allowed to march over bridges?

Soldiers and bands break step so as not to reinforce the fundamental vibration frequency of the bridge. For an example of wind reinforceing the fundamental frequency look up the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

What type of bridge is Bridge of Sighs?

the bridge of sighs is an arch bridge and a pedestrian bridge. it is an arch bridge because of its arch shape. its a pedestrian bridge (or foot bridge) because only pedestrians are allowed to travel on it, no cars.

Are cars allowed on the Brooklyn bridge?

Yes it is used every day for crossing the bridge.

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Why soldiers are told to not march while crossing abridge?

Harmonics. Most bridges are strong enough to support the weight of soldiers marching in lock step, but the constructive vibrations still hasten the need for repairs. Harmonic vibrations induced by the wind brought down the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, "Galloping Gertie."

On page 197 of occurrence at owl creek bridge why are the soldiers on the bridge motionless and quiet?

The soldiers on the bridge are motionless and quiet because Peyton is experiencing a vivid hallucination of escaping and reuniting with his family. In reality, he has been captured and is about to be hanged, leading to a surreal moment of stillness as his mind processes the impending events.

What were the types of soldiers at the battle of Stamford bridge?

Saxon and Viking worriers

Who handedly defended a bridge when Rome was under a attack?

Horatius and two other soldiers Horatius and two other soldiers

In the military as marching soldiers approach a bridge the command route step is given The soldiers then walk out of step with each other as they cross the bridge Explain?

The constant left, right, in unison, like a beating drum, can set up a resonance and make the bridge sway or fail.

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