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Q: Slaves were brought to the English colonies from where?
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How many slaves were brought to the English colonies and the US between 1526 and 1870?

10 million

What year did the colonists start using Africans in the English colonies?

1619 is when the first slaves were brought over.

When did they first have black slaves?

The first African slaves were brought to Virginia by the English in the 17th Century, but Spain probably had them in their American colonies earlier than that.

How many slaves lived in the english's colonies in 1700 and in 1750?

By 1750, about 200,000 slaves lived in the colonies.

When were slaves first brought to the US?

In 1619, there were black servants brought from Africa into the colonies, but it is not known whether these were actually slaves. By 1650, though, there were definite shipments of slaves coming into the colonies. and thet were brought to a place called Jamestown

Why were the slaves first brought to the colonies?

re: the British colonies, to grow tobacco

What was brought from the west indies to the colonies?


What cause an increase in the number slaves in the northern English colonies?

There were no slaves in northern colonies.

Which people are the descendants of people who were brought to the America's against their will?

Slaves were brought to the colonies.

Why were English criminals brought tot the American colonies?

they provided labor at a lower cost than slaves

Why were slaves brought to Jamestown?

There were no slaves in Jamestown in 1607. The first slave into the colonies was in 1619.

What percentage of slaves who arrived in the Americas were brought to Spanish colonies?

Of all the Africans brought to the New World, sixty percent were brought to Spanish colonies.