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Manifest Destiny

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Kenya Carter

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Q: Since colonial times Americans had believed that their nation's mission was to serve as a model of freedom and democracy. How did that vision changed in the 1800s.?
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it was changed to democracy

How did American democracy change under Jackson's presidency?

American democracy was changed in which he supported Unity more than state rights and he did not refrain the federal government as Jacksonians believed.

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they changed the democracy by telling them to take pride in there city.

How has Maine changed since colonial days?

Maine has changed greatly since Colonial days. Maine has advanced industries like the fishing and lobster industries in place now.

When would a referendum be used in a democracy?

When laws are being changed

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It has changed all of our lives by the way our country and even parts of the world have/ had worked. Our government and politics in the USA alone is based on the Democracy made by the Greeks. Hope this helped:)

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they were changed

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The laws he chose were the ones that changed the outlook of slavery. That is how Solon promoted democracy in Athens

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horses changed the way Native Americans lived was by helping them get places faster

How was Maine changed since its Colonial days?

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