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No. Like it or not the Soviets were going to exert control over their sphere which was most of Eastern Europe. Stalin felt they were entitled to this since the vast majority of the combat that took place in WWII took place in the USSR. Yes, most if not all of his countries unpreparedness and deaths were related to his actions. Especially the non-agression pact with Germany. But when you consider he first went to the West to form a anti-fascist pact and was rebuffed you can understand a bit of what was going through his mind. The allies were also too busy trying to get Stalin to help in the war in the Pacific. Lastly the assumption that the allies could push the USSR back to prewar borders was not a certainty with or without the few A-bombs that would have eventually trickled into the inventory.

AnswerI believe that the US and its western allies were not capable of mounting a offensive against the Russians. Most of the Western Allied combat units were under 50% combat strength and like the Russians, we were out of manpower reserves. Also remember that during the next long drive to Moscow, you not only have to face the hostile Russian elements but also a new combat expereinced and much improved Russian military. AnswerAt the end of World War II the Soviet Union had a 12 million man army in 300 divisions compared to the 4 million man army in 85 divisions under General Eisenhower. With this in mind I doubt that it would have been possible for the "Western" forces to push the Soviets back without the use of atomic weapons. The use of atomic weapons would not have been feasible due to the fact that it would have caused too much destruction in the areas targeted for "liberation." AnswerNo. At the beginning of the war, UK and USA made an agreement to not use their power to take control of a region or country in the name of "liberators". If the US or US and UK had turned and attack the USSR, then we would have become the agressor. This is the very thing that we were fighting against when we defeated Nazi Germany.
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Q: Should the Allies have attacked Russia at the end of World War 2 and driven Russia back to her pre-war borders?
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