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Yes. The nuclear arsenal of the United States is made so that it must be refurbished every three months or the nuclear warheads will not work. This is done by design so that if a weapon ever comes up missing, after a short time it will become just a large semi-radioactive paperweight.

Other than that, If we did not continue to make nuclear weapons, Other countries who do still have nuclear weapons would be able to attack us with no worries about being hit themselves. Our threat of nuking other countries is what keeps our country safe from nuclear attack.

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Q: Should US still make nuclear missiles?
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How do you make a nuclear missile?

Take a rocket and put a nuclear warhead/bomb in its payload, instead of a satellite or humans. This produces a nuclear ICBM.Shorter range rockets or unmanned jets aircraft called cruise missiles can also be used.

Why should you make mummies today?

why should we still make mummies today

How did MAD prevent war?

MAD, Mutual Assured Destruction, didn't actually prevent war, there were numerous small wars that were paid for by either the US or the USSR. What MAD did was make nuclear war unthinkable to any sane person. If one of the nuclear club had launched their missiles it would have caused instant retribution with enough atomic munitions to kill the population of the earth several times over. It made it so nuclear war was a no win scenario. A good resource for this is the movie, "War Games".

What was the Cuban Missel Crisis?

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the Soviet Union, Cuba and the United States in October 1962, during the Cold War. In September 1962, the Cuban and Soviet governments began to surreptitiously build bases in Cuba for a number of medium- and intermediate-range ballistic nuclear missiles with the ability to strike most of the continental United States. On October 14, a United States U-2 photo-reconnaissance plane captured photographic proof of Soviet missile bases under construction in Cuba. The Americans feared the Soviet expansion of Stalinism, but for a Latin American country to ally openly with the USSR was regarded as unacceptable, given the Soviet-American enmity since the end of the WWII in 1945. Such an involvement would also directly defy the Monroe Doctrine, a United States policy which held that European powers should not interfere with states in the Western Hemisphere.

What was the outcome of the Cuban missile crisis?

AftermathThe compromise satisfied no one, though it was a particularly sharp embarrassment for Khrushchev and the Soviet Union because the withdrawal of American missiles from Turkey was not made public. They were seen as retreating from circumstances that MOMAINA MOMAINA MOMAINA MOMAINA MOMAINA MOMAINA MOMAINA

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No, Robert Goddard did not make a nuclear bomb. He was a physicist and engineer known as the "father of modern rocketry" for his pioneering work in developing liquid-fueled rockets. The development of nuclear bombs was a separate area of research and technology during that time.

How do you make a nuclear missile?

Take a rocket and put a nuclear warhead/bomb in its payload, instead of a satellite or humans. This produces a nuclear ICBM.Shorter range rockets or unmanned jets aircraft called cruise missiles can also be used.

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We still not a nuclear country

Can the President fire nuclear missiles without the approval of the Senate?

The President is the Commander In Chief of the US armed forces, and as such, he is fully empowered to make any decision and issue any order that he deems to be necessary to deal with a military threat to the US, and that would include firing nuclear missiles. If the US were under attack, that would not be a good time for the President to go to Congress and see if he can persuade them to authorize military action. However, the President can't declare war, on the Congress can do that. It may be that actually declaring war would be superfluous, if nuclear missiles were already fired.

What was the Cuban missel?

The Cuban Missile Crisis occurred in October 1962. When the Soviet Union secretly put nuclear missiles on the island of Cuba, it nearly started a nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The missiles were discovered by routine spy-plane surveillance. The missiles were still in the process of being made launch-ready. However, President Kennedy had very little time to make a decision regarding what to do about it. His military advisers all but demanded a full-scale air strike, followed by an invasion of the island. Instead, President Kennedy order the U.S. Navy to "quarantine" the island by not allowing any Soviet ships to travel to Cuba. This, combined with diplomacy, forced Soviet Premier Kruschev's hand, and the missiles were withdrawn.

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Proliferate. We should not proliferate nuclear weapons.

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The analogy of a nuclear pore is that if it were a factory, the nuclear pore is like the wall around the manager's office. These walls contain all plans that tell the workers in the cytoplasm what to make and the quantity it should make.