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Scientists can determine the age of some ancient artifacts using carbon-14 dating.

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Q: Scientists can determine the age of some ancient artifacts using what dating?
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Scientists can determine the age of some ancient artifacts usin what dating?

Scientists can determine the age of some ancient artifacts using Carbon-14 Dating.

How did scientist determine the age of ancient artifacts?

Scientists determine the age of ancient artifacts through various dating methods such as radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology (tree-ring dating), thermoluminescence dating, and stratigraphy. These methods can provide valuable information about the age of the artifacts by analyzing the decay of radioactive isotopes, annual growth rings in trees, and the accumulation of radiation-induced electrons in minerals, among other techniques.

How can you determine the ages of artifacts?

the age of artifacts can be determined by carbon dating.. carbon Dating is a chemical process scientists conduct upon artifacts that determines their age

How do you use Radioactive dating in a sentence?

Radioactive dating is used by scientists to determine the age of ancient artifacts by measuring the amount of radioactive isotopes present and their decay products.

What nuclide is commonly used in the dating of artifacts?

Carbon-14 is commonly used in radiocarbon dating of artifacts. This isotope is found in organic materials and decays at a known rate, allowing scientists to determine the age of the artifact based on the amount of remaining Carbon-14.

Method of dating ancient artifacts?

use a carbon dating machine.

How do scientists date fossils and artifacts?

Scientists date fossils and artifacts using various methods such as radiocarbon dating, potassium-argon dating, and thermoluminescence dating. These methods analyze the amount of specific isotopes present in the sample to determine its age. By comparing the ratio of isotopes to known decay rates, scientists can estimate the age of the fossil or artifact.

What element found in animals and plants is used by scientists to determine approximate dates for an artifacts age?

Carbon. The process in which this is done is called Carbon Dating.

What is a scientific method of determining the age of an artifact?

Radiocarbon dating is a widely used scientific method for determining the age of organic artifacts. By measuring the decay of carbon isotopes in a sample, scientists can determine its age within a certain range. Other methods, such as tree-ring dating and thermoluminescence dating, are also used for dating different types of artifacts.

Which of the following is radioisotope commonly used in dating archeological artifacts?

Carbon-14 is a radioisotope commonly used in dating archaeological artifacts. It decays at a known rate, allowing scientists to determine the age of organic materials such as bone, wood, and charcoal.

What is used to determine the age of organic remains?

Carbon dating is commonly used to determine the age of organic remains by analyzing the ratio of carbon isotopes in a sample. By measuring the decay of radioactive carbon-14 in relation to stable carbon-12, scientists can estimate the age of the organic material.

How do scientists determine how old objects are by?

Archeologists determine how old an object is, by using Carbon Dating.