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In the 1930s and 1940s, the term 'Rome-Berlin axis' referred to the partnership and eventual alliance between Germany and Italy. With both countries ruled by fascist parties and also occupying central positions in Europe, the 'Axis' was conceived of as the pivot-point, or key line, of world-domination -- at least, by the aggressive leadership of these countries.

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Q: Rome Berlin axis
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The alliance between Italy and Germany became known as the Axis.?

became known as the Rome-Berlin Axis.

Who was the allaince of the rome-Berlin axis?

Well, seeing how it's called the ROME-BERLIN axis, I would say ITALY and GERMANY!

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The axis powers were named for the axis between which two European capitals?

Rome and Berlin

When was Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis signed?

The Tripartite Pact between Berlin , Rome and Tokyo , was a pact signed in Berlin , Germany on September 27, 1940 .

What did the axis powers agree on?

The Rome-Berlin-Tokyo-Axis agreed to fight the Soviet communism

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27 September 1940

When did Hitler sign the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis?

22 May 1939 .

What was the tripartite axis pact?

That was an alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan, also known as the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis.

Who was the Italian leader who entered into te Rome Berlin axis with Germany?

Bonito Mussolini

What are 3 countries involved in the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis?

Italy, Japan, and Germany.

What did the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis want?

to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.