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The Romans were tolerant of others' religions as long as those religions or beliefs did not provoke dissent or preach treason. This became a problem during the rise of Christianity, as any religion other than the religion of the Roman state was deemed treasonous to Caesar.

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Q: Romans allowed the practice of other religions as long as people?
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How did romans feel about people that did not follow their religion?

The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.

When did people think Julius Caesar was a great man?

When he took over he allowed the people to practice their own religions and do the same things that they were already doing. Julius Caesar was just their in case of disaster and military issues.

How did Roman feel about people who followed other than the Roman religion?

The Romans tolerated other religions as long as they were not what the Romans considered decadent or treasonous.

How did romans feel about people who followed religons other than the roman religion?

The Roman were tolerant of other religions as long as the other religions did not advocate treason or decadence.

How did Romans feel about people who followed religions other the the Roman religion?

The Romans attempted to impose their state religion on the people they conquered. They obviously gave up doing this to the Jews and reached some sort of accommodation with the Jews. Originally they persecuted Christians, then the entire empire converted Christian. Romans also absorbed religions from other countries such as Greece, Egypt, and Persia. romans were tolerant of other religion as long as their followers were respectful of the roman religion

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Romans on how the practice of other religions as long as people what?

The Romans were generally tolerant of other religions as long as the participants also honored the Roman gods.

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Ancient Romans let people to keep their own religions when they conquered new lands. That made the conquered people easier to adapt to the Roman culture. Romans built temples for their own gods in the provinces, but they let people to worship their original gods as well. Only after Christianity became the state religion, they started to keep other religions pagan and finally forbid them. Christianity was more intolerant than other religions before it.

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How did romans feel about people that did not follow their religion?

The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.The Romans were tolerant of people who had different religions from the Roman religion. As long as the foreign religion did not advocate revolution or immorality and the people paid their taxes, the Romans let them worship as they wanted.

How did the Romans feel about the people who followed other religions?

The Romans tolerated other religions as long as they were not what the Romans considered decadent or treasonous.

How did the Romans feel about people who fallowed other religions other then roman religion?

The Romans respected other religions.

How did Romans feel about people who followed religions other than the Romans religions?

King Louis was from Rome and all the Romans were tolerant of other religions as long as their followers were respectful of the Roman religion.

What religions do people practice?

they are cathlic

What religions do Bolivian people practice?

they are cathlic

What were the people of the Persian Empire allowed to practice?

If you are talking about religion, they were allowed to practice whatever they chose. Religious intolerance was the unique practice of the Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. By and large the other religions recognised the equivalence of the gods (Zeus=Jupiter=Ahura Mazda=Apsu etc) and gave them due respect. So the Persian Ahura Mazda and the Zoroastrian State religion was not imposed on anyone - the local people kept their gods.

How did the Romans feel about people who followed religions other than the Romans religion?

King Louis was from Rome and all the Romans were tolerant of other religions as long as their followers were respectful of the Roman religion.