There are actually quite a few. One is Via which means road and another one is Veritas which means truth.
vault (arched masonry doorway) vestment (clothing)
vassal (a pledged knight)
varlet (a rascal, or a servant)
Vikings (still active in medieval Europe)
Narcissus is one. He was the one who fell in love with his reflection.
velvet cake
Valley of kings
Vidalia and Ville Platte.
Three letter words that start with V are:vanvatvetvievim
Words that start with the letter V are, valley, violin, violet and violence. Virus, viola, vengeance and vast all start with V.
No original Arabian words start with the letter v , as this letter has no corresponding in Arabic.
Vows are romantic words. The word begins with the letter v.
I don't believe that there is a v in the Japanese language.... ._.
vikings vicious
Victoria Victorian