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In India, Bose met with the spiritual Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi, and C. R. Das and thereafter joined the Congress Party. Soon after, Bose and C. R. Das were arrested on Christmas Day in 1921 for successfully organising a boycott against the Prince of Wales' visit to India and were sentenced to six months imprisonment. Upon his release, he busied himself with flood relief work, editorial services for the publication Forward in Calcutta and conducting propaganda for the Swaraj Party. In 1924, Bose was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Calcutta Corporation at the same time when C. R. Das was elected Mayor of Calcutta. Bose was again detained, in Mandalay, under the new Bengal Ordinance on 24 October 1924. He was released only two-and-a-half years later on the grounds of ill-health as he was suffering from tuberculosis. From 1928 to 1937, he continued to remain in politics, being arrested twice by British authorities. He was appointed President of the Indian Congress Party in 1938 but resigned on 28 April 1939. Bose was an advocate of armed resistance against British colonialism; he could not come to terms with the ideology of non-violent resistance which Gandhi preached. Upon his resignation, he formed the All India Forward Block on 3 May 1939, a party within Congress, in an attempt to bring together the Leftist faction and fight Gandhism. He fought a losing battle against both Gandhi and the Congress party for 20 months until he was removed from the presidency of the Bengal Provincial Congress Committee and banned from holding any elective office for three years. In March 1940, Bose convened an Anti-Compromise Conference at Ramgarh in Bihar under the joint auspices of the Forward Block and Kisan Sabha and by June 1940 demanded the establishment of a Provisional National Government in India.

Arrested again on 21 July 1940, Bose this time went on a hunger strike, demanding for his release, which came only in December 1940. Despite strict surveillance, Bose managed to escape under the guise of a Muslim religious teacher. With the help of the Italian Embassy, and travelling under the name of "Orlando Mazzota", he reached Germany via Moscow. Here he recruited Indian prisoners-of-war in Europe and North Africa to form the Indian Legion (or Azad Hind Fauj or "Free India Army") to fight for India's freedom. Inspired by his leadership, his followers in Berlin honoured him with the name "Bose Netaji", acknowledging his stature as a leader.

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9y ago

Chandrasekhar Azad (1906-1931) was an Indian revolutionary. He reorganized Hindustan Republican Association under the name of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association along with Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev. He was killed in Alfred park, Allahabad when in a shootout with police he killed himself to avoid arrest.

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11y ago

The contribution of Subhas

Chandra Bose is no less. He has been denied his rightful place in the annals of Indian history. He founded Indian National Army (Azad

Hind Fauj)

to overthrow British Empire from India and came to acquire legendary status among Indian masses. Subhas

also announced the formation of the Independence League. Subhas

Chandra Bose was jailed during Civil Disobedience movement in 1930. He was released in 1931 after Gandhi-Irwin

pact was signed.Subash

Chandra Bose was soon arrested again under the infamous Bengal Regulation. After an year he was released on medical grounds and was banished from India to Europe. He took steps to establish centres in different European capitals with a view to promoting politico-cultural

contacts between India and Europe. Defying the ban on his entry to India, Subash

Chandra Bose returned to India and was again arrested and jailed for a year. After the General Elections of 1937, Congress came to power in seven states and Subash

Chandra Bose was released. Shortly afterwards he was elected President of the Haripura

Congress Session in 1938. During his term as Congress President, he talked of planning in concrete terms, and set up a National planning Committee in October that year. At the end of his first term, the presidential election to the Tripuri

Congress session took place early 1939. Subhas

Chandra Bose was re-elected,

defeating Dr. Pattabhi


who had been backed by Mahatma Gandhi and the Congress Working Committee. Subhas

Chandra Bose now started a mass movement against utilizing Indian resources and men for the great war. There was a tremendous response to his call and he was put under house arrest in Calcutta. In January 1941, Subhas

Chandra Bose disappeared from his home in Calcutta and reached Germany via Afghanistan. Working on the maxim that "an enemy's enemy is a friend", he sought cooperation of Germany and Japan against British Empire. In January 1942, he began his regular broadcasts from Radio Berlin, which aroused tremendous enthusiasm in India. In July 1943, he arrived in Singapore from Germany. In Singapore he took over the reins of the Indian Independence Movement in East Asia from Rash Behari

Bose and organised the Azad

Hind Fauj

(Indian National Army) comprising mainly of Indian prisoners of war. He was hailed as Netaji

by the Army as well as by the Indian civilian population in East Asia. Azad

Hind Fauj

proceeded towards India to liberate it from British rule. Enroute

it lliberated


and Nicobar Islands. The I.N.A.

Head quarters was shifted to Rangoon in January 1944. Azad

Hind Fauj

crossed the Burma Border, and stood on Indian soil on March 18 ,1944

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Subhas Chandra Bose was born on January 23, 1897.

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What is the birth name of Subhas Chandra Bose?

shubash chandra Bose was a freedom fighter.he was born on 23 Jan 1897 in orissa and his slongan is you give blood i will give you freedom and he died on august