Yeah dude. That's the same Rob Bloom. He's written lots of comedy about wrestling and lots of stuff about 80s wrestling.
he says that he is a good guy!
The answer is yes his decedent wrote the book about him. Omg This next bloody son of a gun is right though i will come out and say it. But the next guy erased the perfectly good answers that were here just because he thought we were wrong. He broke one of the constitutional rights in doing that. The first amendment protects our freedom of speech. So when he deleted them he broke that. So to you are one big idiot. Excuse my rudeness but as my teachers told me know your rights so you can protect them. -MrAnswers123 It is believed that William Wallace, the Scottish patriot, had no children, but he had opportunity to have children out of wedlock and such would not be known to history. There have been many other people named Willaim Wallace, and some of them have certainly had children.
he was a guy who did some stuff, then he did other things and then he died. THE END
He was known as Buffalo Bill.
he was a pretty swell guy.
Guy Wallace died in 1967.
Guy Wallace was born in 1913.
None, they are spoofing a guy from history. Also in the movie "Braveheart"
The cast of Vern Fonk Vision - 2010 includes: Erica Bergman Tim Grand as Guy without goatee Robert Jayne as Bob Robert Jayne as Guy Meathead Rob Thielke Joel Thielke Rob Thielke as Ball Player Rob Thielke as Beached animal Rob Thielke as Bionic Fonk Joel Thielke as Christopher Walken Joel Thielke as Doctor Joel Thielke as Driver Joel Thielke as Facebook user Joel Thielke as Frank Gallstone Rob Thielke as Gigantic Vern head Joel Thielke as Girl in red dress Rob Thielke as Girl in salon Rob Thielke as Girl Scout Rob Thielke as Girl with bleached hair Rob Thielke as Green Lantern Joel Thielke as Guy biker Rob Thielke as Guy dancing Joel Thielke as Guy dancing with girl Joel Thielke as Guy in Leather Joel Thielke as Guy in suit Rob Thielke as Guy in suit Rob Thielke as Guy on motorcycle Joel Thielke as Guy ordering Joel Thielke as Guy playing pool Joel Thielke as Guy running Rob Thielke as Guy singing Joel Thielke as Guy walking with girl Rob Thielke as Guy with afro Joel Thielke as Guy with egg Rob Thielke as Guy with goatee Rob Thielke as Guy with hammer Joel Thielke as Guy with remote Rob Thielke as Guy with vest Rob Thielke as Guy without arm Rob Thielke as Hostage Rob Thielke as Husband to be Rob Thielke as Hypno Vern Joel Thielke as Kidnapper Rob Thielke as Little Vern Rob Thielke as Maurice Rob Thielke as Mr. Whitehead Joel Thielke as Pant pockets Rob Thielke as Patient Rob Thielke as Piano player Joel Thielke as Pizza guy Rob Thielke as Sal Governale Rob Thielke as Sammy Hagar Rob Thielke as Sasquatch Rob Thielke as Shaved guy Joel Thielke as Simon Bowells Joel Thielke as Soldier Rob Thielke as Spokesman Joel Thielke as Timmy Rob Thielke as Vern Rob Thielke as Vern Cartman Rob Thielke as Vern Monster Rob Thielke as Vern Yeti Rob Thielke as Vernbo Rob Thielke as Vernobo Rob Thielke as Waiter Rob Thielke as Yosama Fonk Laden
Rob Vanore goes by Cool Guy.
chain mail answer by the top guy and the bottom guy same thing well my name is Drake Winters
Yeah dude. That's the same Rob Bloom. He's written lots of comedy about wrestling and lots of stuff about 80s wrestling.
he was a bagel guy
William Henry Guy died in 1968.
William Henry Guy was born in 1890.
William Guy Wall died in 1864.