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The Sudetenland

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Q: Region of Czechoslovakia demanded by Hitler?
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German speaking region of Czechoslovakia that Hitler conquered?

The Sudetenland

What was Hitler demanded and was given what area in northwestern Czechoslovakia?

Hitler requested the return of the Sudetenland, which was heavily German speaking, at the Munich Conference. The Czechs were against it not because they feared the loss of the territory - it was German speaking and not loyal to Czechoslovakia hence was a liability, but because it was mountainous and their fortifications were there. Once Germany controlled the Sudetenland it was a clear shot to Prague.


Western border region of Czechoslovakia where about 3 million German-speaking people lived; a second target of Hitler's lebensraum

What are of Czechoslovakia was Hitler wanting?

The Sudetenland

Why did Hitler threaten to declare war on Czechoslovakia?

Hitler threatened to declare war on Czechoslovakia because the Czech government declared martial law.

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Area given to Hitler as appeasement in 1938?

The region was the Sudetenland, which was in northern Czechoslovakia. Shortly after the concession, Hitler forced the collapse of the Czech state and assumed control of the rest of the country under a system known as The Protectorate.

What country was taken after Hitler signed the munich pact?

Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland, to be more precise.

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What area did Hitler demand in northwestern Czechoslovakia?

The Sudetenland